Why is having a website important?

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If you are a business owner and you have arrived here, it is because obviously a few seconds ago you questioned, why having a website for your business is a good idea?

We live in a world where it is necessary to digitize companies, if we do not do it, we lose the opportunity to offer potential customers the benefits they can enjoy, thanks to a website. A real example is the recent situation of COVID-19, many entrepreneurs were able to continue with their business, thanks to having a website, while others found themselves in the need to evolve in order not to have their business slowed down and to be able to continue offering a commercial activity.

10 reasons to have a website

Reason 1: Having a website gives visibility to your business

The first reason to have a website is that it will simply help you to give visibility to your business. How will people in Buenos Aires or Cordoba know that you have a beauty salon if they can’t find your website in search engines?

You may have a great product or service, but this lack of visibility is not giving you the results you expect and deserve. Having a website helps you to give visibility to your business. Every day millions of searches are made in search engines. People looking for businesses that solve their problems. Having a website will help them find you and know that you exist and what you offer. In addition to helping you compete with your competitors for this visibility.

Reason 2: Make it easier for your customers to find information about your business

Having a website allows you to share information about your business with your customers. Who we are, what we do, since when we do it, where we are or how much it costs.

Reason 3: It allows you to showcase your products and services

Having a website allows you to show your clients your products, services, hotels, rural houses, rooms, among others. This will allow you to position yourself as a specialized seller in a specific sector or area.

  • You will be able to showcase your products and services online
  • You will be able to let your customers make purchases or book online.

Reason 4: It is a very powerful sales channel and allows you to promote offers

Yes, just as you are reading it. Many companies survive only by selling online and by the offers they can promote on it.

If you have an aromatic products store, creating a website and selling your aromatic products will allow you to:

  • Increase monthly sales
  • Gaining new markets
  • Expand territorially
  • It will allow you to communicate existing offers in your store or products. Promotional packs or seasonal discounts.

Reason 5: Have a web page allows you to earn money online

It will allow you to market your products and services on a higher scale. A website also allows you to exercise the function of an online store. In it your customers will be able to buy your products or services online. Facilitating the buying process and automating many of these processes. This will allow you to increase the profit margin of your business.

Reason 6: It is an excellent channel to communicate with your customers

Having a website with an integrated chat box is an alternative that nowadays many companies are applying. It will allow you to interact in real time with customers who visit your website and get new business through conversation.

For example, if you offer legal advice, a chat box on your website is an ideal alternative to answer simple questions and be able to capture the contact of this client so that he/she can schedule an appointment in your office for a more professional consultation.

In addition to this, you will be able to count on the traditional contact forms, where you will allow your customers to contact you to request information about your business.

Reason 7: Having a website builds and strengthens your brand image

Having it boosts your brand image. Websites are a very important piece of business branding. It serves as a connection to almost all marketing channels, promotions, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, prospect calls or employee signatures.

Everyone will know about you in one way or another as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and possibly, all of them will end up on your website. That is why it is important to have a good website, well designed and functional, that leaves a positive experience in your customers. It will leave a lot to talk about your brand.

Reason 8: Helps you create synergies with other companies and recruit employees

If you have a website, you will be found by other companies looking for partners or synergies. This will allow you to increase your business range and try new opportunities and business outlets.

Our company often receives this type of messages for collaborations. Therefore, we believe that it is also a strong reason to have a website.

In addition, having a website will allow you to attract new talent. Another advantage is that you can use it to list your company’s available vacancies. Thanks to the image it conveys, professionals looking for a job may contact you directly and send their resumes.

Reason 9: You will be able to share business news and industry needs

When creating a website you can choose to have a company blog. This is highly recommended as it provides mobility to your website and contributes to search engine positioning, in short, to be found by more people and faster.

The blog´s company website is an excellent resource to talk about the industry you are in, news, trends, press releases and events happening in your company. You can use these articles to feed your social networks or also send monthly newsletters to your customers to maintain their loyalty.

Reason 10: It allows you to be scientific and see what your customer is most interested in

The last of the 10 reasons is that having a website allows us to measure what pages our customers visit, what search terms they use to find us and what services they are most interested in.

All this is possible to analyze thanks to your website and the Google Analytics tool that we must install once we have the website ready. All this information and analytics will allow us to make smarter decisions in our business.

We hope this article has provided you with clarity on why to have a website.

If you are already convinced, you can contact us and we will help you design a website for your business. You can contact us here or click on the banners below and see our prices.